Action for Nonviolence and Peacebuilding

News from ANP

In the beginning of August 2018 ANP started a new cycle within the project of “Dealing with the Past in Kosovo”. From 30th September until 6th October 16 participants from all over Kosovo successfully completed seven days of training for Dealing with the Past (DwP). The participants were selected, based on defined criteria: age from […]

ANP successfully conducted the second training phase with its current participants of the “Dealing with the Past (DWP)” project. From 18th to 23rd of February the participants practically learned about the variety of their individual identities and its collective formation. Furthermore, four important aspects of DWP (justice, truth, forgiveness and reconciliation) were discussed in depth. […]

The partnership between Kurve Wustrow and ANP started three years ago. Since then a lot of activities within the common project about Dealing with the Past have been accomplished. Unfortunately, a lot of theses activities are not visible for everyone. However, we just finished a documentary of 40 min to provide a good impression of […]

In realm of the UNMIK supported project ANP conducted a 7 day training on peace education with 20 teachers from diverse communities from the municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane in Ulcinj/Ulcinq, Montenegro. In the 7 day training the teachers from different schools of the municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane had the chance to meet their colleagues from other communities. […]