NGO Action for Non-Violence and Peacebuilding (ANP) will organize the opening of the exhibition “Light in the Soul” on 7th July 2021, at 19.00 hrs in the National Library of Kosovo, Prishtina. The exhibition “Light in the Soul” is the fifth exhibition in a row, organized by ANP in collaboration with the participants of the project […]
We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “The Seed of Memory” on 17th December 2019, at 5p.m. in the National Library of Kosovo, Prishtina. “The Seed of Memory” is a reflective exploration of the violent past of the war in Kosovo, which has been undertaken by the citizens from all […]
ANP exhibition catalog _Path of Pain 2018
You are cordially invited to attend the opening of exhibition “The Path of Pain” where are presented the works of participants from the project “Dealing with the Past in Kosovo” realized by the NGO Action for Non-violence and Peacebuilding (ANP) in partnership with KURVE Wustrow from Germany. In this exhibition through art we have approached […]
ANP exhibition catalog of the exhibition Time Links 2017
You are invited to attend the documentary film premiere and opening the exhibition “Time Links”. The documentary film and exhibition contains stories from the past of our participants of the project Dealing with the Past in Kosovo carried out by Action for Nonviolence and Peacebuilding (ANP) and Kurve Wustrow from Germany. The exhibition will be […]
Download the catalogue of last years exhibition in Gjilan/Gnjilane “We Want Peace” as part of the project “Schools the Peace Promoters“. The catalogue contains of drawings and pictures made by pupils of the schools of Gjilan/Gnjilane and the region. They send strong peace messages and envision a better future for everyone in Kosovo. We Want […]
18. December, National Library Pristina, Starting at 12 pm Related to our project Dealing with the Past in Kosovo ANP proudly presents the book The Soul’s Remembrance containing life stories of our participants. People from all over Kosovo took the courage and wrote about their most harsh and challenging time in the recent history of […]
The exhibition “Duam Paqe!/ Hoćemo Mir!/ We Want Peace!” is part of the Project “Schools – The Peace Promoters” implemented by ANP in cooperation with Mennonite Central Comittee (MCC).