- “Dealing with the Past in Kosovo” financed by KURVE Wustrow from 2014 until 2021. For more details about the project click here.
- Financed by United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), NGO ANP has carried out the project “Teachers and Pupils together for Peace” including 20 teachers from Serbian and Kosovo schools from the Gjilan/Gnjilane region in 2016.
- Financed by World Vision Albania-Kosovo, NGO ANP has implemented the trainings on peace education during the project “Kids for Peace” in Pristina
- “Schools – The Peace Promoters” financed by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) from 2013 until 2015. For more details about the project click here.
- “Stop Discrimination” financed by US Embassy Pristina in 2012/2013
- “Regional Youth Network Against Discrimination in West Balkan” financed by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Regional Network Against Discrimination and Demilitarization from 2011 until 2013
- “Be Active Be Productive” financed by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) from 2010 until 2013
- “Regional Youth Against Discrimination” in cooperation with Peace Action (Macedonia) and financed by Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) in 2011
- “Let’s Change Something with Art” financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) in 2010
- “Let’s Change Something” financed by Institute for Sustainable Community (ISC) in partnership with Advocacy Training and Resource Training (ATRC) and Center for Civil Society Development (CCSD) in 2010
- “Game Over” in cooperation with Peace Action (Macedonia) and financed by Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) in 2009/2010
- “Conflict Prevention in Kosovo” in cooperation with Pro Peace Platform and financed by CARE from 2009 – 2011
- “Make me Smile” financed by Save the Children in 2009
- “Follow Me” financed by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in 2009
- “Stop Violence in Schools” financed by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in 2008/2009
- “I am an Artist” financed by Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) in 2008
- ”Minority Stabilization in Serb Communities in Kosovo” financed by Danish Refuge Council (DRC) in 2008
- “Don’t Play with Arms“ artistic performance in five primary schools financed by OSCE Mission in Kosovo in 2008
- ”Empowering Youth Thru Sports Camps” 6 multi-ethnic summer camps financed by USAID and NIKE in 2008
- “Demilitarization as a Solution for Security” in cooperation with Peace Action (Macedonia) and financed by Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) in 2008
- “ABC-Book of tolerance” in Bujanovac, Serbia with Albanian and Serbian teachers financed by OSCE Mission in Serbia and in partnership with Grupa Hajde da in 2008

- “Let’s build bridges” financed by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Advocacy Training Resource Center (ATRC) in 2007
- Monitoring and observing of local election in Kosovo within the network “Democracy in Action” in 2007
- “All different, all equal” interactive debates for citizens of five municipalities financed by Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) in 2007
- “Connection bridges” financed by Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) in 2007
- Training on nonviolent communication for participants of the Human Rights Schools financed by Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) in August and December 2007
- Contributing with 4 short feature films about transitional societies in South East Europe to the project from NGO Smart Kolektiv, Belgrade in 2006/2007
- Financed by OSCE and in cooperation with young artists from Gjilan/Gnjilane organized exhibition in honor of 10. December International Human Rights Day in 2006
- 4 day training (non-violent communication, team-work and joint decision making, organizing and moderating a debate, project-proposal writing and CV writing) for high school Youth Councils in Gjilan/Gnjilane financed by OSCE in 2006
- “Non-Violent Communication and Team Work for Youth Council of Micro Region Gjilan-Preshevo-Kumanovo-Trgovishte” financed by East West Institute (EWI) in 2006
- “Empowering Youth for New Challenges” funded by Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS) Department of Youth donated by OSCE in 2006
- “Inclusion of the Civil Society in Local Consultative Process on Preparing the Draft of Strategic Vision for Development Plan of Kosovo for Gjilan Region ” funded by RIINVEST in 2006
- “Empowering Youth Leaders for Mass Communication” financed by Balkan Trust for Democracy in coordination with “Mother Theresa” Prishtina and Centre for Regionalisation Novi Sad in 2006
- Promotion of the book “I can not feel good if my neighbor does not” by CNA download here
- Conflict resolution training for the retreat of 11 youth Assemblies of Kosovo funded by Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo in 2005
- “Nonviolent Conflict Transformation Training for Participants from Kosova and Serbia”
in cooperation with CNA-Sarajevo and the students association Filonus from Belgrade in 2005
- “Regional Youth Networks of Gjilan/Gnjilane, Kamenicë/Kamenica, NovoBërdo/Novo Brdo and Viti/Vitina” funded by Democratization Department of the OSCE Office Gjilan/Gnjilane in 2005
- “Domestic and Dating Violence” in high schools of Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality funded by Democratization Department of the OSCE Office Gjilan/Gnjilane in 2005
- 6-day training on Team-Building for 11 youth assemblies of Kosovo funded by Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo in 2005
- In cooperation with NGO Lansdowne-Gjilan, organizing 4-day visit to Gjilan/Gnjilane, Viti/Vitina, Prishtine/Pristina and Strpce/Shterpce for peacebuilding activists and representatives of media from Serbia and Macedonia. Meeting with Vice Premier of Kosova, Minister of Local Government, Ministry of Return, Regional Representatives of UNMIK, UNHCR, OSCE, Presidents of Municipal Assemblies of Viti/Vitina and Strpce/Shterpce in 2005
- “Building Communication Bridges Between Communities” in financed by Rockefeller Brothers in coordination with “Mother Teresa” Prishtina and Centre for Regionalisation Novi Sad in 2004

- “Non-Violent Transformation of Conflicts for Former Yugoslavia” in cooperation with Center for Nonviolent Action (CNA) in 2004
- Participation in “Micro Regional and Transfrontier Cooperation Conference GPKT – Gjilan-Presevo-Kumanovo-Trgoviste” in 2004
- Two day training on non-violent conflict resolution for members of the Youth Assembly Gjilan/Gnjilane funded by Democratization Department of the OSCE Office Gjilan/Gnjilane in 2004
- “Non-Violent Conflict Transformation Training for Youth in Macedonia” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland in 2004
- “Peacebuilding in former Yugoslavia through Non-Violent Conflict Transformation”
financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland in 2004
- “Non violence – Our choice” financed by International Rescue Committee in 2003
- “All equal–All different” financed by International Organization on Migration (IOM) in 2002